The End is Near! At least the End of 2024….
We are trying very hard to make this the most momentous year of the Blog’s existence (we started in 2012) — and by that I mean the one that exceeds all others in our primary mission, to raise funds for charities that help those among us who are in desperate need.
For the occasoin I want to make a direct end-of-the-year-giving ultimate year-end-appeal, connected with our already-announced Year-End Appeal (Special Webinar Announcement: Ehrman Blog Annual Appeal). Many of us make a last-day yearly donation somewhere or another (I’m thinkin’… taxes….). And here in These Last Days I am happy to announce that the Blog has just received a matching grant offer.
An anonymous donor has agreed to chip in $5000 if we can match the funds between now and midnight December 31. All donations will go toward the match. How’s ’bout it? Can you chip something in, like $5 / $50 / $500 / or, hey, if the powers of the universe move you, $5000?
Every dime will go to help the hungry and homeless.
I personally am feeling more deeply concerned even than usual about our charities this year. As you may have read, for a variety of reasons homelessness tose a whoppiong 18% across the country in 2024 (in comparison to 2023). A couple of days ago I read an article in my local newspaper: in Durham, NC, my hometown, the homeless shelters are at capacity and are having to turning away more individuals and families than they are able to accommodate. During the holiday season. These people (including single mothers; kids…) have nowhere to go. Families sleeping outdoors in cold conditions because there are not enough places in the shelters.
How can this be? How can we let it be? For my part, I feel I need to do more. I’m going to do more. I know oh so well that it is not a simple equation of “money = solution.” But more funds will definitely help ameliorate some/lots of the suffering?
The funds from our Blog Appeal, as previously announced, will go to my local homeless shelter/soup kitchen, the fantastically organized and run but not sufficiently funded Urban Ministries of Durham. They do amazing work. But they can only do what they can do. Can you chip something in? If not, I fully understand. If so, I very much appreciate it.
Just as a reminder: all who donate (whether you have done so, now do so, or even better both have done so and now do so again!) will be able to attend my donor impact lecture in a couple of weeks:
- Date: Sunday January 12, 2025 at 2:00pm ET
- Topic: How Jesus Transformed the Culture of Giving
- Format: 50-minute lecture followed by Q&A
If the date doesn’t work for you, no worries: the lecture will be recorded and sent to everyone who donates and registers for the event.
How to Register & Attend
- Step 1 — Make a Donation: Visit the Bart Ehrman Blog Homepage, scroll to the bottom, and make a one-time donation. We suggest $50, but any amount is appreciated. Please end your donation with $.01 (e.g. $50.01 or, well, $5000.01) so we can easily identify it.
- Step 2 — Register for the Webinar: Click here to register by Tuesday December 31, 2024 at 11:59pm ET.
- Step 3 — Confirmation: After your donation is confirmed, Zoom will send you a link to join the webinar. If you do not receive the email from Zoom within one business day, please respond to this message with your donation information (method, name, amount) so we can ensure you receive your join link.
I very much hope that you can pitch in. Whether you can or cannot – let me say that I am so proud of what we have accomplished this year on the blog with your help, and I am looking forward not only to the coming of the first day of 2025, but of the entire year for the blog. Happy holidays to all!
- Bart
Learning history of Christianity from the best and at the same time helping less fortunate people: thank you Professor Ehrman, for both the opportunities. You’re a top scholar and even a greater person!
Dr. Ehrman,
I would like to contribute but can only do so with a check. How can I do that?
Ah, sorry — I wasn’t able to get to the blog comments in the past couple of days. BUT, a donation can be sent to:
The Bart Ehrman Foundation
152 Pinecrest Rd.
Durham, NC 27705