Most of us are feeling depressed, frustrated, anxious, stressed, fearful, and helpless in the face of what is happening in Ukraine. Even though there is nothing we as individuals can do to halt the Russian advance and is horrific consequences, we can at least do something to help those in the throes of the humanitarian crisis.
I would like to do a fundraiser to provide funds for one of the great charities dealing with the situation, one that the blog has always supported.. We will send all the money we raise directly to Care International. They are doing fantastic work in the crisis and desperately need the funding.
Our event will be on Sunday March 20, 4:00-5:30 Eastern Time. It will be a Zoom lecture that I give on “Who Killed Jesus? And Why?” It will involve a 45 minute lecture and a 45 minute Q&A. We are asking all attendees for a minimum donation of $45 dollars.
If you choose to come, please consider giving more — as much as you can and wish. We would like this to be the largest fundraiser we have ever had.
I will personally match the total we bring in up to $10,000.
As to the topic: Throughout history Jews have borne the brunt for Jesus’ death, even though it was the Romans who crucified him. Why would a Roman official order his execution? Who really was at fault? How would we know? Are our sources reliable? Are they consistent? Was it Jesus’ plan all along? If so, why would anyone be at fault?
These are among the questions I”ll be addressing. I hope you can come, and please be generous. To register, click here.
Note: for those who wish to donate, but can’t attend the lecture live, we will be recording the the talk and will make that available to all donors.
I LOVE this blog!!!
Doctor Ehrman, thank you so much for doing this. My country, Czech republic, has accepted around 200 thousand refugeees from Ukraine officially, though actual number is probably closer to 300 thousand. The government says we can’t accommodate many more. In the 10 million population of this country, there has always been a large Ukranian majority, some 200 thousand at least, even before the conflict escalated. We see Ukranians as our neighbours, and I would like to thank you on their behalf.
Thank you for letting us know. You have a great country (I”ve visited only once, unfortunately) and your act has been very humanitarian.
If I can’t come to the live zoom event, will there be a way to access a recorded version of the event … and/or if I can make the live event, would I have access to a recording afterwards?
Ah, I should post on that.
Thanks for doing this, Bart. I won’t be attending the fundraiser, but clicked thru to the Ukraine Crisis Fund site on your link and donated. Hope this brings in a goodly total. Good luck.
I am in Sydney, can I watch the lecture and discussion later? Thank, Geoffrey
We’re looking into it; I’ll make an announcement in a post.
I see above that someone asked if there will be a recorded version of the “Fundraiser for Ukraine – Lecture on ‘Who Killed Jesus? And Why?’” I did not see an answer, other than your comment about posting on that. Is there a way to still pay the $45 to support Ukraine, and access a recording of the lecture?
I think that was over a year ago; I’ll look into whether it was released or not.