Another travel opportunity has come up for me this summer, a tour of some of the Greek Islands on June 10-20.  These are some of my favorite places on planet earth.  I’ll be giving lectures, enjoying the sites, and hanging out with the folk who come. Needless to say, this will be really good.  If it’s in the range of your possibilites, check it out.

Below you’ll see a brochure with all the details.  Here’s what I say about it there:


We will be island-hopping to some of the most scenic sites in the world – stunningly gorgeous landscapes and seascapes, incredibly beautiful villages and towns, museums, monasteries, churches, and archaeological sites: some of the oldest remnants of western civilization.

Some of the places we’ll be going will be new for me.  For many years I’ve wanted to visit Andros, unusually dramatic and filled with interesting villages, monasteries, and churches.  And Naxos (where Dionysus, the Greek god of wine was born.  Take note!), boasting significant ancient remains, old Christian churches, and impressive Venetian architecture: a virtual travel through time.  And most of all Santorini, widely considered the most beautiful island of them all, historically famous for the volcanic eruption that destroyed its major city fully 4000 years ago.

Other places on our itinerary I’ve visited before and eager to see again, especially Crete, the home of the Minoan civilization that predates, well, virtually every other western civilization, whose architectural and artistic remains continue to inspire awe today.  Most people see Minoan art only in books and museums.  We’ll see it up close and in person.

On the trip I’ll be lecturing on an intriguing issue:  “Was Christianity an Ancient Greek Religion?”  The lectures will consider Christian beliefs and practices in light of pagan Greek religion and traditions of the time, including stories of miracle-working “divine men” born to the union of a god and a mortal woman, and who ascended to heaven when they died.  I will also show how Christianity radically differed from Greek religions of its time, often in ways one would not suspect.

Along with lecturing, I will also be a fellow-traveler, joining in all the activities, enjoying the sites, answering questions, and plunging into interesting discussions.

I can’t wait for this trip: it simply doesn’t get any better.  I hope you can join me!

Here’s the brochure with all the information you need.  Just click it to take a look.  I hope you can consider it!

Island-hopping in Greece with picture of a Greek village