One of the most talked about and least understood teachings within Christianity is the idea of love.  Do you want some evidence of the misunderstanding?  Read 1 Corinthians 13, the “love chapter,” in its original context (coming between, well, 1 Corinthians 12 and 14!  A little consideration almost no one has thought about!), and then consider it in relation to the 498 times you’ve heard it in weddings.  I’m all for it’s being read at weddings! But, uh, is Paul talking about marital bliss?  Uh, nope, not at *all*…..

I am in the middle of a thread excerpting a sketch of my book (which I’m still researching; won’t start writing for a while).  So far I’ve talked about what it’s about.  Now I’m getting into some detail, by describing the book chapter by chapter — including the opening bit about Christian ethics and the opening section that deals with love in the Christian tradition.


 The book will comprise

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