I’m getting pumped about/for my new online course on the Gospel of Matthew, this coming weekend (Feb 3-4), and want to make sure you know about it before … well, the End is Near.   I have the lectures all drawn up, the Powerpoints made, and now it’s just a bit of fine tuning before we go live.  If you haven’t signed up, but think you might be interested, check it out here:  https://ehrman.thrivecart.com/matthew/

The course will be eight lectures, four on Saturday and four on Sunday.  I’ll be covering tons of stuff I’ve never discussed on the blog or, as it turns out, in any public lecture.  Go figure.  Those who sign up for the course will have life-time access to it (we’ll publish it with Suggestions for Further Reading, Questions for Reflection, and so on, and participants will receive it automatically).

Please remember, you can get a discount on the course by using the code BLOG5.   A portion of the proceeds of the course will be donated to the blog.


Here are the titles of the lectures (changed a bit from what I originally announced since now, well, I”ve actually written the lectures…):

  • Lecture One: How Do You Study a Gospel?  Take Matthew….

  • Lecture Two: Jesus and Ancestry.com:  How To make a Genealogy Worth Reading

  • Lecture Three: Jesus as the “Fulfillment of Scripture”

  • Lecture Four: The Sermon on the Mount and the New Moses
  • Lecture Five: Matthew as an Anti-Jewish Jewish Gospel?
  • Lecture Six:  Matthew as Distinctively Matthew

  • Lecture Seven: Matthew Who?  Figuring out the Author

  • Lecture Eight: The Afterlife of Matthew: How the Gospel Changed our World and Our World Changed the Gospel

Again, for more information and pricing, and a chance to register (with the blog discount code) go to: https://ehrman.thrivecart.com/matthew/