Does love really “mean never having to say I’m sorry”?  Is “unconditional forgiveness” possible?  Is it even Christian?  Is forgiveness itself always possible, conceivable, feasible, expected, required, helpful?  Actually, what is forgiveness?

These are questions people often ask.  When they ask what Jesus thought about the matter they usually get it wrong.  And as it turns out, so did his own disciples.  So I’ll be arguing in my book, tentatively titled The Origins of Altruism.

Here’s another extract from my sketch of the book as it looks at this point in the pre-writing stage….


Part Four:  Interpersonal Forgiveness (ch. 6 on Greek and Roman World; ch. 7 on Jesus and his followers)

Whereas “charity” is the manifestation of agapē principally to outsiders in need, “forgiveness” is its manifestation principally to

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