More Member Publications!
A while back I asked blog members to forward to me information about publications they have ... published. Twice I've given a half dozen, and here are some more: a couple of articles and a couple of books. They all look fascinating to me, and two of them are by research scholars / professors of the New Testament that I know. Maybe one of the others is as well, that I don't know! In any case, read through their self-descriptions, and if you're so moved, check out the publications themselves! ************************************************************************* Steve Very Short Article Another side of New Testament Jesus wintertao New Testament Jesus did and said many wonderful things. We are taught them as kids and everyone knows them. But on close objective reading the NT also contains another side of Jesus. I’ve worked on this off and on for over 10 years and have posted it many different places including a much earlier revision here on the blog in the members message board where I received valuable feedback. It’s been critiqued [...]