The Road from the “Duo of Philo” to the “Trinity of Nicaea”–Guest Post by Omar Robb
As you know, blog members at the Platinum level are allowed to publish posts on any topic of their choosing (related to blog interests!) to other Platinum members.  After a month or so, the other Platinums vote on which one can appear on the blog at large. If you yourself are interested in getting in on that action -- reading the posts of other Platinum members, and on occasion coming up with one of your own (it DOESN'T need to be highly scholarly or scholarly at all -- it can be your own views or questoins about something blog-related!) -- think about upping your membership to the Platinum level (Register - The Bart Ehrman Blog). The most recent vote wenbt in favor of a post by Omar Robb, which gets into the world of Greek and early Christian thinking, especially as leading to the doctrine of the Trinity. Here it is. Feel free to comment and ask Omar any questions! ****************************** The road from the "Duo of Philo" to the "Trinity of Nicaea" Omar Abur-Robb [...]