As you know, you have several choices for your membership on the blog – from the most popular Bronze level, where you can read all my posts with archives going back to 2012; to Silver, where you can do all that plus make and read members’ comments and questions, and my responses; to Gold, where you can do all that plus get audio versions of the posts; and up to Platinum. The Platinum has some unusual benefits; I thought it might be helpful for me to spell them out, just in case you might be interested.
Here is how I described it recently in an email to those who have already taken the plunge. .
Hello Platinum Blog Members!
Now that the dust has settled a bit on the launch of the new blog site, we are able to start moving ahead with some of our new initiatives – including the Platinum Premiums.
Here is the summary provided on the JOIN pages, with which you are no doubt familiar. In this note I will give a bit more information and explain how the premiums will work, starting now!
This level is as high as it goes for those who want to give extra support to the work of the blog and the charities it supports. At this level you will receive all of the benefits of Gold, and other significant ones.
You already have complete access to everything available on the blog: you can obviously read all the posts and consult all the archives going back to April 2012: you can get a list of them by category; by month to month; or by a complete chronological sequence from beginning to end! At the right side of any post, scroll to the bottom and you’ll see your archive options. You can also; make comments; read comments; get audio versions of all ongoing posts; and access archives of audio posts going back to the end of 2019.
Platinum members will be able to participate in a group internet meeting with me and other Platinum members once every three months, a specially designed webinar where we discuss issues of mutual interest and I answer questions.
I would like to set up our first meeting, and we will be sending out a Doodle Poll for you to indicate when you could come. We obviously won’t be able to accommodate everyone’s schedule, but we will provide a number of options and will choose the one that most people could attend. I will record the meeting so those who aren’t there will be able to see it. The poll will be sent by my assistant Diane Pittman – so look for it!
The format: We will do it on Zoom and the meeting will last for 75 minutes. I will give a talk on a topic for maybe half that time, and then we will have a Q&A for the rest.
The topic: I will send out a short list of possible topics in advance, and will allow all platinum members to vote on which one they would prefer. Again, majority rules. Hey, we’re a democracy here!
Moreover, Platinum members will have the opportunity to submit potential posts for the blog. I will publish one Platinum blog post each week (assuming there are enough of sufficient quality and relevant to the interests of the blog) to Platinum members. And once a month I will choose one Platinum guest post for the entire blog, that is, for all members at every level. Platinum members will be allowed to submit one potential post per month.
I am ready to start this NOW. Well, next week. Or whenever they start coming in. There is a logistical issue that I haven’t figured out how to handle and would welcome your suggestions. Suppose I get ten blog post submissions in a month, and choose, as I indicated, one a week. That would mean six did not get chosen. (And if I get 100, then 96 didn’t get chosen!) That’s too bad and I don’t want any hurt feelings or resentments (“Hey, my post was WAY better than that one he chose! And it took me two hours to write that thing! I want my money back! All the way from 2012!!!”). But I’m not sure what to do about that. It may be a problem, or it may not. And if it is a problem, it will be compounded with time, since presumably I’ll get more posts the next month.
SO: any bright ideas about how to deal with *that* one???
One idea I had would be to set up a three-person Platinum Selection Committee who would read all the posts that come in and make a decision by majority vote. That way it wouldn’t just be my own prejudices and guesses about which ones would be best for our readers. But if you have other ideas, let me know….
In addition, Platinum members will receive first priority for all blog events…
Blog Events: In a couple of days I am going to be announcing on the blog that I will be holding a fund raising webinar on December 12. The Topic will be: “What Can We Really Know about the Birth of Jesus?” It will be limited to twelve people (so that it will be 12 on 12/12), and will go the highest bidders – similar to how we did earlier in the year (see
… and will be awarded three Bronze level gift memberships to give out to whomever they choose.
To give gift memberships: On the site, go click Help; then FAQs; then How Do I Give a Gift Subscription. The final paragraph describes how you can do it without paying!
As a final benefit, I promise to hold all Platinum members near and dear to my heart.
OK, truth be told, everyone on the blog is near and dear to my heart. I appreciate very much that you have wanted to be part of this venture, and hope you are finding it worth your while and investment. If you want to invest even more by moving up to the Platinum level: fantastic! If you’re happy with where you are: that’s fantastic too. Our goal is to serve – and if we can do it better, let us know.
SO: any bright ideas about how to deal with *that* one???
-Selection from all eligible platinum members who submitted a relevant and eligible post by lottery. There are free random name pickers online that are easy to use and fast.
Or first come first serve.
Or just post all eligible and relevant posts to platinum members.
Bart, this sounds very interesting, especially the 3 monthly Zoom meetings as it will give us more time to specifically discuss issues (that can hardly be discussed elsewhere with knowledgeable scholars).
The blog posts – maybe it should be a question of how original the research in the article is. If someone digs up new information or at least compiles info that is not to be found by and large elsewhere, it should have higher weight. A selection commitee sounds interesting, but I am not sure how biased these people would be.
Please make Zoom meetings in time slots that are “europe-friendly”, so no later than 9 pm european time or so – or on weekends.
I will think about upgrading in the following days.
Professor Ehrman,
I love how you provide all sorts of ways to be on your team. Some of us who no longer attend church need this community. Then we get so much back for our membership fees.
Congratulations on raising ONE MILLION PLUS to help those less fortunate..
No offense to any of the blog subscribers, but I doubt there will be a huge number of candidate posts that come close to the quality and in depth knowledge you share daily.
I’d suggest creating a pool of post worthy submissions that could be added to each month, from which one is selected.
In the happy event that you do get swamped with great submissions, maybe post one per week, until the number in the pool diminishes, if hopefully not, it ever does. These could be posted on days that you take off.
Just a thought or two!
Perhaps you could maintain a dated list of the titles of all submitted posts that have not yet been published on the Blog. Allow members to vote for a consensus posting (or 2) per month and curate the other 2 (or 3) yourself. If the list becomes too long for practical use, cull the oldest still surviving posts.
For my 2 cents, it’s worth it, especially since the money goes to good charities that I have supported even outside of the blog.
I guess that would be 20,000 cents, no?
Then Bart took with him all those who were on Platinum and led them up a high mountain by themselves. There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as white as the light. Just then there appeared before them Bruno Bauer and Albert Schweitzer, talking with Bart.
Jeff said to Bart, “Master, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters—one for you, one for Bauer and one for Schweitzer.”
While he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud (Bruce Metzger) said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to him!”
I joined thinking that there was a statement that you (Bart) answer all questions submitted by members. I can’t find that statement now. Was I hallucinating…lol? If there is such a statement (and such a membership level), would someone please direct me that way?
Yes, I do answer each question I get in these comments, so long as (a) it has some connection to what we do on the blog and (b) I haven’t failed to notice that someone asked it! (That probably happens. Maybe it happens a lot!)
Is there any way, if one wasn’t one of the 12, to listen to your December 12 fundraiser talk?
We don’t have any plans to make it available (e.g., recorded), though we haven’t made a final decision. BUT, I’ll be doing another webinar for a low fee for simply anyone who wants to show up, and you’ll be welcome to come to that one!
Hi Dr Ehrman
Are the platinum members willing to answer any questions regarding their posts as well?
Their posts will be posted as is (grammar and spelling), or will it be edited (if there’s any error)?
My suggestion about the logistics: maybe keep the “not chosen” blog with details like chronology and what not. There might be weeks or months with no entry and eventually the rush might slow down. We can re-visit those older entries and some gems might be hidden in there ?
Sorry, It’s been a while since I last logged in here. However, I always keep you near and dear to my heart as well ?
Stay safe
Those are good questions. It’s already possible for people to respond to comments of others (it happens all the time here), sot yes, they’d be able to. I have a volunteer copy-edit my posts for mistakes and we would probably have the same for the Platnium posts.
For a platinum post submission, do I have to write something specifically for this blog or can it already be posted somewhere else?
I thought you might like to know that I facilitate a religious Bible study where we regularly engage with your work and have great respect for it. We have watched several of your debates. On a silly note, one person there made a meme of you in ms paint as the terminator (barterminator) with the caption “answer the question!” because he was frustrated with a couple people you debated and thought you would have to be as persistent as the terminator to get direct answers out of them. I can’t attach it here so I would have to link to it, which would require uploading it somewhere. I decided not to do that because I didn’t think you would want an image floating around on the internet with your face superimposed on the terminator, especially without context 🙂
How funny. As to a post from somewhere else, I hadn’t thought about that. Why don’t you send it to me (should it be edited a bit) and let me see?