I have devoted several posts to Matthew’s genealogy, and I realized it’s only fair for me to say something about Luke’s as well.  As you may know, these are the only two Gospels — in fact the only two books of the New Testament — that provide an account of Jesus’ birth and very young life, the “infancy narratives.”  In Mark Jesus shows up as an adult, and so too in John.  They say nothing about the circumstances of his birth, nothing, for example, of his mother being a virgin, of him being born in Bethlehem, of .. of any of the stories celebrated every Christmas.  Either do any of the other books of the NT.  That in itself is a striking fact.   An “essential doctrine” of Christianity such as the Virgin Birth — said by many Christians to be a decisive doctrine: anyone who denies it (lots of Christians say), cannot be Christian.  Yet 25 of the 27 books in the NT say nothing about it.  Did they know about it?  How could we say?

In any event, Matthew and Luke both give a genealogy of Jesus.  Matthew’s occurs where you would expect it– at the time of Jesus’ birth; Luke, oddly, gives his genealogy not when Jesus was born but when he was *baptized* in chapter 3 (!).  Go figure.   Anyway, this is not the only difference between the two infancy narratives (they are WAY different.  Just read them carefully next to each other to see) and definitely not the only difference between their genealogies.  On the contrary, as it turns out, they are actually *different* genealogies!   UH???? . You can easily notice a lot of these differences yourself, just by reading them (Matt. 1:1-16 and Luke 3:23-38), again, carefully, and comparing them side by side..

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