ALL the Christian Writings of the First Hundred Years
In 1996 I was struck by the thought that it would be really useful for professors of New Testament to have an anthology of ALL the Christian books written in the first century of the religion, not just a translation of the NT itself. I looked around and couldn’t find one. I told my editor at Oxford Press, and he couldn’t believe it. But lo and behold. So we agreed I should produce one. I decided that it should be all the surviving books written by Christians during its first hundred years, so 30-130 CE (though the first surviving book was probably not written till 20 years after Jesus’ death), that I would use the NRSV translation for the NT (with permission), and then include all the other books that could be plausibly dated to the period. The idea is that the New Testament contains *some* of the earliest Christian literature, not all of it. And if anyone is interested in a historical study of the NT, they need to read it in light of [...]